Vigor is an open conversation among the Saints about the common problems, challenges, and opportunities that we face in ordinary Mormon life in our wards and stakes. Nobody knows everything, but everybody knows something about how to make wards and stakes work together well. We'd like to hear from you. Activities that worked well; problems you faced and overcame; problems you're still facing and would like to have advice about; anecdotes about funny or wonderful things that happened in your ward; tips and tricks for handling common situations from basketball to ward dinners, from printed sacrament meeting programs to Sunday School lessons - just write it down and send it in! Don't worry if you don't think of yourself as a writer. There's nothing fancy about Vigor. We'll fix up spelling and obvious grammatical errors so nothing will interfere with your message. Also, it's important that you be able to speak plainly and honestly. Therefore we will not include the name of your ward or stake, and we will disguise your location so that basically we communicate only whether your ward is inside the Mormon corridor (Utah, Idaho, Arizona) or outside it. However, we will make these changes. You must tell us accurately the ward and stake you're in and the ward and stake you're writing about. Likewise, we will publish all contributions anonymously unless requested otherwise - but you must tell us your real name, address and telephone number. Any submissions that come without name, address, phone number, ward, and stake will be discarded; all will be verified before publication. Mail submissions to Vigor, PO Box 18184, Greensboro NC 27419-8184; fax to (910) 288-5470, or contact vigor to find out how to send submissions electronically. (All submissions become the property of Hatrack River Publications; only submissions accompanied by self-addressed stamped envelopes will be returned, and only submissions accepted for publication will be acknowledged. Sorry to be so cold-hearted about it, but there are only so many hours in the day.) |
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